Weekly Prizes

Weekly prize of $50 for an entry getting the most votes that week.

  • Weekly Prize

    $50 x 1

Monthly Prizes

Monthly prize of $100 for an entry getting the most votes that month.

  • Monthly Prize

    $100 x 1

Annual Prizes

Annual prizes are increasing. Currently prizes are as follows.
All entries of the year (including weekly and monthly winners) are eligible for annual competition.

  • 1st Prize

    $500 x 1

  • 2nd Prize

    $150 x 3

  • 3rd Prize

    $100 x 5

About Prizes

All prizes are shown in Australian Dollars. Please revisit this page later to see updates and new prizes.

Prizes provided in this competition are offered by third parties. More information on these prizes could be available from the parties providing them. This is not a game of skill. There are no entry fees. Rules of participation can be found at: https://thinkganesha.com/aum/rules

There are weekly, monthly and annual prizes. Weekly and Monthly winners are decided based on the ‘Gregorian calendar’. Annual prize cut off dates would be announced later.

Prizes are based on votes received on entries from participants. Prizes are declared by judges. Judges are a panel of influential people and/or devotees.

Prizes and Prize money are supported by like-minded individuals looking to promote Think Ganesha -these includes devotees and businesses.

Sponsoring prizes

If you would like to sponsor prizes, please Contact us to register, and we shall review get back to you.

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