Rules of the competition

Rules at a glance

  • There is no entry fee
  • Anyone of legal age can participate
  • All entries should be original. Participants should not break any copyrights
  • Photos with good lighting and clarity are preferred
  • Photos must be taken in a clean environment
  • Stock or Google images should not be used
  • Ganesha figures drawn on body (such as tattoo) is also acceptable
  • Nudity or excessive exposure of body is not allowed in entries
  • Participants should not copy entries from other participants
  • Each entry will be shown in a page. It can be viewed and also shared on social media
  • Each entry goes through an approval process before it is shown to public
  • The prizes are for entries. That is, a participant can have any number of entries and each entry is eligible for Weekly, Monthly or Annual prizes.
  • An entry does not expire. It is eligible for votes as long as it is not cancelled
  • Winning entries are evaluated based on the votes received (from other participants) on the entry for that period
  • Prizes for each period could be different. Please check the prizes section to know prizes for that month. Any existing prizes could be discontinued without notice. Also, new prizes could be added as well as existing prizes modified.
  • This competition is sponsored by like-minded third parties
  • Participants should not directly contact our sponsors in a bid to win prizes
  • We reserve the right to publish the entries to other media, platforms and social media to promote the contest. We might do so by modifying the submission or even combining one or more entries from the same or different participants
  • We will send all participants occasional emails and other communications regarding the competition
  • An entry cannot win the same prize (e.g.: 2nd prize) more than once in a year
  • Any participant not adhering to these contest rules would be disqualified from participating in the contest
  • Decision of the administrators is final
  • Currently, all cash prizes are paid through PayPal only
  • Prize winners should provide their photo, name and location details. This could be published along with their winning entry and prize details.
  • If a non-cash prize is offered, then the prize is usually sponsored by a third party, and the prize would be directly delivered by the sponsor to the contestant, and Think Ganesha is not responsible for its delivery.
  • Read complete rules of the competition at:

Complete Rules of the Contest


“You”, “contestant, “participant” means participant or participants who submit entries in the competition. “We”, “us”, “TG” means ThinkGanesha. “Sponsor” means a person, business or any entity that sponsors cash or non cash prizes to participants.


Entry Fee

  • There are no entry fees


  • Anyone of legal age in their country of residence can participate
  • Minors can participate if their account is operated by and in presence of a parent or guardian
  • Individuals, groups, experts, professionals, etc. are all eligible

Entry Photos

  • Photo must be at least 640 pixels in height and width.
  • Photo should not be larger than 10 Mb in file size.
  • Photos should not be blurred or pixelated
  • Photos with good lighting and clarity are preferred
  • Photos must be taken in a clean environment
  • Stock or Google images should not be used
  • Ganesha figures drawn on body (such as tattoo) is also acceptable
  • Nudity or excessive exposure of body is not allowed in entries


  • All entries might be screened for compliance with contest guidelines and requirements.
  • Entries from persons with incomplete profiles will not be considered.
  • The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant/participants and we are not liable for any dispute raised by a third party.
  • We reserve the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the contest and/or the terms/condition without notice.
  • We might limit the number of entries you can submit per day
  • All participants need to provide their address during registration, or when requested
  • You must ensure that none of your entries contain any provocative, objectionable or inappropriate content. Any objectionable entry might be subject to legal action as appropriate.
  • If the photos we publish to social media platforms gets copied & published by other persons without our consent, we are not responsible. If you have any complaints regarding that, you have to deal with those media/platforms directly.
  • Even if an entry is cancelled or rejected, there is no guarantee that the images, content etc. that has been shared to other media (including social media) is removed. It is possible that copies, abstracts or references to such entries might persist indefinitely either in full or part
  • We have no obligation to adjudicate IP claimsClaimants and users must understand that we are not an intellectual property tribunal. While we and our Designated Copyright Agent may in our discretion use the information provided in order to decide how to respond to infringement claims, we are not responsible for determining the merits of such claims. If a user responds to a claim of infringement by providing assurances that its content is not infringing, the user agrees that if we thereafter restore or maintain the content, the user will defend and hold us harmless from any resulting claims of infringement brought against us and our Designated Copyright Agent.
  • No entries should be filmed in such a way as to harm or cause risk to self, to others, to nature, to other living beings. Any entry violating this will not be eligible for prizes, and could be removed from the contest. Any participant who violates this might also have the possibility of being barred and all their entries removed from the competition. We might also, at our discretion, bring such entries and such participants brought before the attention of appropriate authorities.
  • We recognize that Lord Ganesha is revered by different names in various countries, such as Kangiten, Binayaka Ten, and so on. Submissions with photos of these representations are welcome, provided they bear a resemblance to Ganesha.

Use of the entries by TG

  • The entries will/can be used for promotional and display purposes and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for any initiative or purpose decided by us.
  • All entries shall be our intellectual property and we shall have full rights to use the entry and contents for purpose anywhere in the world at no cost whatsoever.
  • Valid entries can be used for promotional and display purposes and also for any other use as may be deemed appropriate for any initiative or purpose decided by us.
  • We reserve the right to publish the entries, photos that you submit for participating in the competition to any publishable media we deem fit and also to social media and other platforms like YouTube, FB, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc..
  • We might combine different entries, photos from different or same person to produce a combined content to be published in media and platforms of our choice.


  • Other participants can vote your entries
  • There might be limitations on how many times in a day a participant can vote
  • Voting might not be the only factor used to determine winners
  • You might get credits for voting entries from other participants
  • We calculate the winning points based on the votes received for that entry and the credits received by the participant who submitted that entry
  • No one should vote for reward of any kind. Anyone found breaking this rule would be disqualified and their account would be forfeited.


  • Only entries that are ‘approved’ and are available for viewing by the platform users would be considered to find winning entries
  • An entry never expires. That is, an entry is eligible to get votes as long as the entry is active (that is not cancelled)
  • Finding winning entries
    - The entry with the highest winning points is considered as winner
    - Winning points are calculated by multiplying total votes received by an entry by a factor called the ‘Contest Involvement Recognition Points’ (CIRP)
    - CIRP is a number equal to or greater than 1. It depends on the number of votes you have given to entries from other participants. During certain prize periods, we might decide to set CIRP= 1 to all participants irrespective of the number of votes given.
  • An entry cannot win the same prize (e.g.: 2nd prize) more than once in a year
  • Prizes are declared as one off or for a period or for recurring periods (e.g.: weekly, monthly, etc.).
  • There could be 1 or many winners in each prize period this is declared in the prizes page of the website.
  • Same person cannot get the same prize for two consecutive months, irrespective of the number of entries that person has that month.
  • We might decide to use internal or external judges to pick winners. In such cases, the winners are picked only from the entries that come in the top 200 through voting.
  • Annual prizes:
    - Annual prizes are picked based on the total winning points received during the last 12 months.
    - Only top 200 participants from each month is considered for selecting annual winners
  • Winners are announced within 3 weeks after the contest period (e.g.: month) has finished. This allows us to settle any errors, disputes and omissions.
  • We might bring special topics for the competition for certain prize period. Prices are available only to entries that fall into the category of such a topic during that period. However, existing entries in unrelated topics can continue earning votes and compete in future periods


  • Cash Prizes
    - It could take up to 3 to 5 weeks for processing the payments after winners are announced
    - Winners should provide photo, name and location details. This could be published along with their winning entry and prize details.
    - All cash prizes are paid through PayPal, unless otherwise mentioned in the email confirming your winning.
    - It is your responsibility to make sure that the email you use to register is eligible to receive cash transferred from us through PayPal
    - Sometimes, you maybe provided the option to choose to receive the prize money as a gift card or cash.
    - If you choose to be paid as a gift card, you have to decide which gift card is suitable for you. When you are a winner, we shall send you the list of Cards you can choose from.
    - Since all prize monies are in Australian dollars, it is subject to the current exchange rates, when converted into your local currency.
    - If you choose to be paid through a bank account, it is possible that your bank might charge fees when you are receiving money transferred from our bank. Such fees have to borne by you.
    - Transferring prize money to your bank account: It's your responsibility to give your bank details correctly. We shall intimate you once the money has been transferred. It usually takes 2 to 5 business days for money to appear in your bank after we submit. You have to follow up with your bank if the prize money is delayed longer.
  • non-cash prizes
    - If a non-cash prize is offered, then the prize is usually sponsored by a third party
    - The prize would be directly delivered by the sponsor to the contestant and we are not responsible for its delivery.
    - Think Ganesha is not responsible for verification, delivery, authenticity, suitability, completeness, suitability, safety, or any other aspects of the prize
    - Also, Think Ganesha is not responsible for anything that happens to you or anyone else regarding or after the prize is given to you.

Emails from TG

  • Links to information on “Top Earners”, “Today's trends” etc. would be sent as email periodically (e.g.: everyday)
  • This is in addition to regular account keeping, voting related and winner announcement communications.
  • If we notice that your emails are bouncing, we may decide to remove your participation through that email account


  • We might use third party or public reviewers to review each entry that is submitted. This is to reduce administrative workloads. You agree to the decisions they make.
  • Reviewers might not be permanent. We might remove or pause you from being a reviewer. This does not reflect on your ability, quality or interest in reviewing

Removing entries

  • We reserve the right to remove entries that we believe does not contribute to the platform or does not contribute to the contest
  • Entries that are not getting much attention might be removed automatically


  • Occasionally we might allow other participants to mark some entries as flagged (e.g., marked as inappropriate)
  • We watch flagged entries, and might decide to suspend it and get it reviewed again by administrators, or cancel the entry altogether
  • Cancelled/Disapproved entries are not available for viewing or voting by public

Sponsoring prizes

  • Anyone can request TG to be a sponsor.
  • A sponsor can sponsor cash and non-cash prizes.
  • Not all requests for sponsorship are accepted
  • We may run a vetting process before a sponsorship is accepted
  • All sponsored prizes are subject to a 60-day cool-off period, during which the sponsor can decide to cancel or modify the sponsorship.

Sponsoring Cash prizes

  • All cash prize sponsorships are cancellable within 60days of acceptance. All refunded would atract a refund/cancellatioin fee charged by our credit card processing company
  • We would publicise the sponsorship when a a sppnsorship request is accepted by us. However, the prizes are declared for a date 60 days or later from the day of submission
  • The 60 days period helps to serve the following purposes
    - You have enough time to review, if in case the decision to sponsor was taken in haste
    - Allows us to handle any credit card charge back issues
  • If you reduce the value of the sponsorship:
    - The balance is paid back to your Credit Card (less any fees charged by our credit card processing company)
    - The prize money is changed accordingly and published
    - The prize dates might remain unchanged
  • If you increase the prize money:
    - The current prize is cancelled, and a new prize is created
    - This would have to satisfy all the requirements of a new prize money sponsorship submission

Sponsoring non-cash prizes

  • Non-cash prizes could be anything that the sponsor chooses. Example: Shop Cards, Reward cards, Credit Cards, Promotional items, Shop Samples, Merchandise, Free Service, Gift Items, Books, Program Tickets, Travel/Food/Stay vouchers, etc.
  • Usually, non-cash prize sponsoring is accepted from established business or social/religious organisations only
  • As a general rule, the prizes are advertised immediately on acceptance, however the sponsor is given 60-days to revoke the submission
  • We would publish your details
  • If a contestant wishes to see the sponsored prizes in person, it should be available on display for visual inspection
  • It is the sponsor's responsibility to deliver the prize to the winners.
  • Any cost involved in delivery, handling, redirection, returning, resending, etc. of the prize should be borne by the sponsor


  • Nothing defamatory allowed. Bad mouthing any religion, political system, caste, creed, region, country, sect, sex, job, outlook, etc. is not allowed. Any breach of this could result in immediate termination
  • The rules specific to the contest can be found at:
  • Rules for the contest could change, without notice
  • It is up to you to find the latest rules when you participate in the contest
  • The terms and conditions as well privacy of use of Think Ganesha Apps and websites should be followed by all participants. This could be found at:

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